There's a Rift, After All.

The Rift Is There, After All.

All this time, i thought there's nothing i need to worry about. I thought that whatever is going on, it's just a phase...that it will come to pass...that nothing's wrong.

Since when do we have secrets? Since when do we talk behind each other's backs? Where is the line that separates concern and mere malice?

I dont want to do this anymore.

I dont want to feel like this anymore.

But how to stop it?

How do we stop something we refuse to acknowledge?

I really wish i could tell you that i'm here. That if you need a non-judgmental friend ready to listen and talk things out, i'm here. But how? When im not used to doing those fuckin' deep convos and heart to hearts. Ugh.

I miss what we all used to be.

We always said we were whole..compact..solid..different. We were proud of that. We were proud that we are not just like any other cliques. That we had something unique. Something intangible that nothing and no one can break.

We couldn't be more mistaken.

It's the ugly truth.

But i do hope we can work things out. That it's not too late, and that we still have hopes and faith for the friendship we have..or had. I know the damage has been done. Let's just try not to fall through the cracks.