
A very POTTER Debut

So. I didn't think I would have a debutant celebration. But my mother and my friends conspired this surprise Potter-themed debut, and I couldn't be happier.

My family lives abroad, and so, there are some things that we have to do in some other way. Like this birthday celebration. My birthday is in february. But the celebration's in July. Five months later.

But I'm not complaining!!!! 
No matter how late the celebration was, I wouldn't have it any other way.

The 18 Seekers, wearing their cloaks and clutching the golden snitch. 
This couldn't be more dreamy.

With some high school buds and RAF. 
RAF, of course. My college buds. The reason why I'm still alive in college. 
The family I have while my actual family is halfway across the world from me.

 I loooooooved my gown. I really did. I felt like Fleur Delacour on her wedding day. The dress is not the same, but it's close enough. I am really, really grateful.

And, of course, my CAKE. My Harry Potter cake that i was too reluctant to eat. It was amazing. It was very crafty. And I'm sure it's expensive, too! But it was given as a gift, and I am very, VERY, happy.

I'm thankful that my family and friends were there. I was pleasantly surprised to see everyone in their costumes and outfits. It definitely was a night to remember. 


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